CRIADORES de história

André Cran
Diretor de Cena

Samyr Otto
Criador de Conteúdo

Luciana Rodrigues
Diretora Geral
"Não hesitem em trabalhar com esses caras"
" Eu recomendo grandemente a Cran Filmes pelo profissionalismo e competência que prestaram o serviço. Não hesitem em trabalhar com esses caras."

Richard Mosse
Photographer International"Ótimos profissionais na minha experiência amazônica"
" Eu recomendo o trabalho desse caras, pois conhecem bem a Amazônia e tivemos uma experiência muito boa".

Ben Frost
Record Producer"Guerreiros da Amazônia"
"Recomendo a Cran Filmes por sua versatilidade de serviços e por terem experiência internacional"

Breno Karitiana
Cacique da Aldeia Bejarana-
Brazil's Indigenous Land Is Being Invaded
Brazil has over 900,000 indigenous people, most of whom live in the Amazon. After centuries of persecution, they were given extensive rights under a new Constitution in the 1980s, including the right to claim and win back their traditional lands. Since then, hundreds of indigenous lands have been demarcated and protected by the Brazilian government.
Saiba + -
The Destruction Of The Amazon, Explained
The Amazon rainforest has been reduced by about 17% since the 1970s. Cattle ranchers, loggers, and farmers are mostly to blame for the deforestation, but the demand driving them comes from all around the world. Brazil's economy depends on agriculture, especially beef and soy, which is grown on cleared land in the Amazon. Today, president Jair Bolsonaro, is weakening the environmental protections there in order to give agriculture more power.
Leia + -
Brazil: There Is Still Hope For The End Of Deforestation In The Amazon
Reportagem para TV Channel CCTV (China) with
Fixer and Drone Operator: André Cran and
Producer Brazil: CRAN Filmes